
Yulong Huang


I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Robinson College, University of Cambridge.

I work on type-preserving transformation and compilation for dependent type theory – preserving the rich and expressive type specifications of programs down to the assembly level.

In general, I am interested in the intersection of theory and practice in the field of programming language, things like normalization by evaluation, contextual type tyeory, bidirectional type systems, etc.

Inquiries about Part II / Part III individual projects are welcome, and you can find my project suggestions on the teaching page.


Extended abstracts


  • Towards Quantitative Inductive Families, June 2024, at TYPES.
  • Type-preserving Compilation For Dependent Types, Apr 2024, at Robinson College SCR/MCR Research seminar.
  • Defunctionalization with Dependent Types, June 2023, at PLDI.


Email: yh419 (at) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk